The Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) works to provide support to the students, parents, and educators of Coral Springs High School. We do this through fundraising to support student and staff needs, organizing volunteers for school events, and helping to coordinate activities.
Principal: Dwayne Dixon
President: CreeAnn Pepe
The president provides leadership, initiative and organizational support for the PTSO. Preside at meetings, oversee committee work, assist with financial planning and attend SAC board meetings.
Vice President / Faculty Advisor: Kawana Jones
The Vice President shall assist the President for the entire school year prior to taking on the President position. Performs functions that are delegated by the President.
Support Team: Linda Bailey
Treasurer: Danielle Welsh
The treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the executive board. She will present a financial statement at every meeting and make a full report at the end of the year.
Recording & Corresponding Secretary: Bobbie Gruber
The secretary shall keep all records of the organization, take and record minutes, prepare the agenda, handle correspondence, and send notices of meetings to the membership.
Membership Coordinator:
The membership coordinator will act as a recruiter for PTSO. He/She will receive and process all membership forms (online & in-person). He/She will attend school events to collect forms and funds.
Communications Coordinator: Open Position!
The communications coordinator will update and maintain the PTSO website. Additionally, he/she will maintain and post updates on all PTSO social media platforms.
Fundraising Coordinator: Open Position!
The fundraising coordinator will create partnerships with local restaurants for Dine & Donate, in addition to seeking out new, creative and profitable events.
Grant Writing Coordinator: Open Position!
The grant writing coordinator will write proposals and submit written requests to businesses that can contribute to our school. Additionally, he/she will maintain a record of all contacts.
Student Representative(s):
12th Grade Rep: Open
11th Grade Rep: Open
10th Grade Rep: Open
9th Grade Rep: Open